Completed: 36%
List important illnesses and injuries or handicaps
What was the report?
Physician's name and address
Current medication(s) and dosage
Have you ceased taking any drugs recently? Which ones, why, and when?
Have you ever used drugs for anything other than medical purposes? Yes No If so, explain
Have you ever been arrested? Yes No If so, why, when, and was there a resulting sentence?
Do you drink alcoholic beverages? Yes No If so, how frequently and how much
Do you drink coffee? Yes No How much?
Other caffeine products consumed
How much?
If you have ever had interpersonal problems on the job, please describe them
Have you ever had a severe emotional upset? Yes No If yes, please explain
Have you ever seen a psychiatrist or counselor? Yes No If yes, how was it helpful? Please explain
Are you willing to sign a release of information form so that your counselor may write for social, psychiatric, or other medical records?
Yes No